Students are separated by age (grades) Students are grouped based on level of independence and flexible academic ability.
Students are promoted to the next grade after a set amount of time. Students are promoted to the next group when they have demonstrated mastery and a level of independence.
Student learning revolves around content requirements. Student learning revolves around conceptual understandings, which contextualize cognitive skills, character strengths, and content.
Students learn from their teachers and from textbooks Students learn from their teachers, peers, and through self-directed blended learning
Teachers decide what a student should learn and when Students learn to set their own goals and weekly schedules with guidance from Advisors
The school day is divided into subjects The school day is divided into self-paced work time (Ownership Time), small group seminars, and project-based learning (Studio Time)
Students have homework and worksheets to complete after school Students set their own goals, and if Ownership Time is used effectively, may complete their goals during the school day
The school day ends in the early afternoon The school day spans from 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.,
The school has an extended-year model that offers breaks throughout a 12-month year
Parents receive a report card once each quarter Parents view student Goal Trackers and attend student-led conferences and Exhibitions
Stress Student agency and ownership of learning goals reduces stress and increases independence. Relationships are key, with intentional time devoted to social-emotional learning. Our school provides a structured feedback loop between the Lead Advisor, Career & College Advisor, and Content Specialist team for each student.
Students have  transcript of letter grades as evidence of learning Students have a curated portfolio and a mastery transcript as evidence of learning